
Nelsonian™ Video Microscope Objectives

Although video inspection microscopes play an essential role in high magnification process monitoring and machine vision, they have invariably been equipped with objectives primarily designed for visual purposes. In video terms, such objectives have stated numerical aperture (N.A.) ratings that are more theoretical than practical. This is because “visual-dedicated” objectives “presume” that an end-user will constantly monitor each image to obtain a proper balance between contrast and resolution—through either an adjustment of condensing optics, a variation in aperture—or both. Unfortunately, it is impractical to monitor each image and adjust this balance on an individual basis in automated video applications or where many objects are being constantly examined. Moreover, the cross-over point between resolution and contrast occurs at less than full aperture (full N.A.).

The Achrovid Series

Which presently consists of six infinity-corrected microscope objectives ranging from 2x (0.054 NA), 2.5x (0.064 NA), 3.3x (0.077 NA), 4x (0.09 NA), 5x (0.12 NA) to 10x (0.21 NA)—were developed to overcome these limitations. To do so, the Achrovid objectives were designed upon criteria originally developed by E.M. Nelson. This assures the best possible maximization of contrast and resolution for video applications. As a result, Infinity-Photo-Optical Company has developed the first range of specifically “video-dedicated” microscope objectives. Even though their stated N.A. ratings are somewhat lower than traditional “visually-dedicated” objectives, the Achrovids achieve what is considered to be a more usable and pleasing image without complication or any need to individually monitor each successive image for best results.

All Achrovid objectives are mounted via the common “M”-thread (26mm/Whitworth) and are therefore compatible with all “M”-thread instruments. They were specifically designed for all Infinity products that accept external microscope objectives (InfiniTube™, Model KC VideoMax™, Model K2 DistaMax™, and Model K1 CentriMax™). All have 37mm working distances except the 10x which has a working distance of 17.3mm.

The Achrovid Series represents a breakthrough in consistent, trouble-free use coupled with high performance image quality. In addition, they are priced below most—if not all of their “visual-dedicated” counterparts.

Achrovid 10x (0.21 NA) Nelsonian Objective
Achrovid 10x (0.21 NA) Nelsonian Objective

Achrovid Objectives

Size: 379 KB   Updated: 09/01/2021
• Optical Data
• Magnification Tables
• Instruction Manual
Size: 124 KB   Updated: 10/01/2024
• Price List

Achrovid, InfiniTube, InfiniTube-EX, Model KC VideoMax, Model K1 CentriMax are trademarks of Infinity Photo-Optical Company.